Write for Episodic TV as We Teach You How
Join the Writer's Room
With Michael Tabb (WGA)
Professional Hollywood WGA writer, author of “Pre-writing Your Screenplay”, and Script-writing teacher.
Did you know that Hollywood professionals actually advise you NOT to go to film school? This class teaches you (a) how to write a screenplay while (b) actually writing episodes to be used. The show is being produced by an up-and-coming studio and you’ll even get credit and net proceeds.
This 12-week course gives you a place in the writer’s room on DAY 1. You will be learning (and performing):
Script writing
Character development
Episode and season plotting
Three-act structure development
Long-term show-planning over the seasons
Weekly team brainstorming sessions
Managing script feedback and notes
Script editing and rewriting (based on feedback)
Weekly writing and development assignments
We are learning by doing and we need your work!
**We expect your commitment to homework! (research, writing and integrity)**
...And everything you need to know in order to do all these things will be taught to you by an award-winning screenwriter and educator.
As most people who try to make it in the field of screenwriting can tell you, getting that first screenwriting credit can be the hardest part. Whether the show is funded or not, all students will be able to list the class on their resume as well as put our show’s “staff writer” credit.
The scripts may be used as a writing sample by the participating students to land other work as evidence of their skill and ability to do this job in a professional capacity.
The work submitted will be owned by SmashBits Studios with all exclusive rights to produce the content created.
Participants will receive the following compensation:
2.5% of net proceeds of one specific episode teleplay he or she wrote once aired.
Sole title card writing credit as “Teleplay By” at the beginning of the one produced episode.
An additional credit as “Staff Writer” on all episodes developed and written in class in the end credits.
An episodic script credit under your “work experience” and a class credit under the “training” sections for your professional resume.
These classes have limited capacity. You will need to submit your application by 5/29/2020 in order to be considered.
Participation in any writers’ room anywhere in the world never guarantees the episode will be produced.
All credits which can be awarded are contingent upon the show/episode being funded/produced.
As in all professional writers’ rooms, staff writers need to grow accustomed to the fact that scripts may be altered by showrunners, producers, directors, and production-based participants in the project, including actors. That’s how this industry works.
All fees are non-refundable
Application Process:
Complete online application sheet and email to heather@smashbits.net.
Attached with your application should be a 5-10 page writing sample (screenwriting preferred, fantasy or sci-fi welcome, stage play or long-form writing samples are also accepted)